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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Memorable Moments and Revolving Doors

Dear Family and Friends,
  What an amazing weekend we’ve just had.  On Saturday we attended a baptism.  Three young people were baptized.  In both families their dads were able to perform the ordinance.  Almost every seat in the baptismal font room  was filled.  There was such an amazing spirit that filled the room.
 After the baptism we went to celebrate Gloria Babbitt’s birthday.  She did not know why she was coming to the building where it was held.  They just told her that everyone was going there to eat.  When she came in we all sang Happy Birthday.  She really didn’t understand at first, but soon it became evident and she enjoyed every minute with relatives and old friends who had come to celebrate with her. 
 After we ate people would stand up and pay tribute to her and the extraordinary life she has lived.  They asked me to share some thoughts also, which I was happy to do.  I told how much I had grown to love her and how she had helped me with my rugs.  I said that Mary was a little jealous that her mom called me her baby, but that Mary had been her daughter all her life and I had only had her as mom for a couple of years, so she should be OK sharing her.  Everyone thought that was pretty funny.
  We had to leave a little early and Mary texted this morning and said that Gloria had spoken at the end and had talked about her daughters and how much she loved them.  Then she talked about her last daughter meaning me.  It meant a great deal to me to know that she shares what I feel for her.  She has lived an amazing life and faced tremendous challenges raising a family on the rez.  We are all privileged to know such a great woman.
 Saturday night was one of the “revolving door” nights which happens frequently.  It is a night when you have revolving guests in a steady stream.  There was a knock at the door.  Elder Olson answered and said which he frequently does  “Woshdee”  which means Come in.  In come two people, male and female.  Both have black eyes and evidence of being in a bad fight.  We don’t know them and now they are sitting on our couch, asking for a ride and wanting us to drive them to their home just over there. 
Elder Olson explains that he is waiting for some friends and does not want to miss them.  Within a short time his friend and her husband knock on the door.  He invites them in.  Now we have 4 people in our tiny apt.  Devonne was about 4 when he last saw her.  She and I went to the same college, worked in the same mall in Torrance and we discovered all this in just a short time.
   Meanwhile the first two are commenting about common friends and working close to where Devonne and I worked and other places we seemed to have in common, although many years apart. She mentions graduating from Torrance High.  I am feeling a little safer thinking Devonne  and her husband can testify and identify who was in our apt.
  Then comes another knock and I open the door.  There is a sweet lady asking if someone can give the sister in her car a blessing.  They had just come from the hospital.  The woman had slipped on some ice and hit her head.  Elder Anderson is gone and the young Elders do not answer when I call their phone.  I am pretty distressed by now and call Brother Allen who answers even when I ask for Elder Anderson.   I ask if he can come over to the church.  He says he can. 
Devonne and her husband had come by to see Elder Olson, but are actually on their way home to Phoenix.  They had just taken her husband’s grandmother back to Missouri, so she could be buried with her husband.  Devonne had found lots of family history when they were going through her things and promises to email copies so we can start a family tree.
  They exit as Brother Allen arrives, Elder Olson goes over to the church to help with the blessing and I am now alone with the couple who came for a ride.  Oh me, oh my, NOW  I am alone with complete strangers who now share that they were “jumped” and “beaten up”  They also share that they have attended a funeral as well and that they had their money and wallet stolen by the thugs who” jumped “ them.  They notice the pictures of the temple and a copy of the Ensign.
I ask her name thinking it might be good to know and she tells me her name and that she was baptized a long time ago into the church.  He also gives me his name.  I ask if they would like some water and he says he wants a sandwich. 
 I check and we do have 4 slices of bread, peanut butter and honey.  I  slip into the kitchen wondering about what is laying around the living room and if it will be there when I return and also the scripture, “Oh ye of little faith,”.  I make the sandwiches quickly and return, with them, a bottle of water for each and two apples.  I hand them the food.  As I sit down he picks up the top slice to check what is inside and rolls his eyes just a bit.  They eat slowly , take a few sips of water and slip the apples into their pockets.
Meanwhile I am counting the minutes until Elder Olson returns.  He had to feel my concern and appears fairly quickly.  They have finished the sandwiches and are now ready to be driven home.  They drive off and I wonder if I will see Elder Olson again.  It was only “3 miles” away, how long would it take? 
  Elder Olson returns in 20 mins, much to my great happiness.  I am thinking of installing an iron gate on the door and not allowing Elder Olson to answer any knocks in the future.  He also had to endure Lecture #82 on not letting everyone who comes to the door into our apt. ;o}
Today we spoke in the 1st and 2nd Wards in Kayenta.  It was so fun.  The people enjoyed hearing about how Elder Olson and I met.  I always speak first so he can correct anything he thinks I remember incorrectly. ;o}
 We spoke on President Utchdorf’s Ensign talk on “Regrets and Resolutions”.  I will be writing about that experience next week, since this is getting rather long, and tonight has been another “revolving door” night.
 We appreciate all the prayers in our behalf, I know that they are answered.
Elder & Sister Olson

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas 2012 Headstands and gathering firewood

Dear Family and Friends,
  I know it seems like I don't write as regular and I always feel a little bad, because things are happening all the time and I think I need to record it, but then I get tired and have lots to do, so I talk myself out of writing it down.  Then I think, you are doing family history right, so what is up with that kind of thinking?
  We did get to go to Utah for about 8 days over the Christmas holidays.  The missionaries now need to get special clearance to leave even for Dr. or dental appts. when they are out of zone which is every time we go to Flag or Page or even to one of the other units in the Stake,.  I don't think anyone is ever turned down, but they need to keep tract of where you are, just in case.  It is actually one of my responsibilities to keep tract of the gardening missionaries.  I tell them it is just a safe guard, so we know which way to start looking if they don't get home safely.
  While in Utah Elder Olson was able to shovel Shelaine's driveway about seven times.  He loved it, trust me.  He had good help with Brock and Braxton although Brock was a little more interested in doing back flips into the snow banks. ;o}  I took his picture which looked like he was doing a headstand in the snow bank, which I guess you might say was exactly the effect he was trying to get.
  We were suppose to leave the day after Christmas, but Shelaine had prayed for snow, which came in abundance.  We stayed 2 extra days. You need to know that we did have our baggage packed and by the door and were ready to go, so we did try. ;o} even if we didn't leave the driveway, which Elder Olson gladly shoveled again.
  On the Saturday before Christmas all our kids, grandkids, (minus JaKohbi, who called) plus Deana and Ricky came together for dinner, which was wonderful.  I didn't have to do much except enjoy being a mom and grandma and watching everyone have fun sharing memories, good food, tender moments in time and laughing their heads off.
  As usually I heard "memories" that the kids shared and that I wasn't privy too at the time they were being made.  Some of them probably could have remained their secret, but maybe the fact that they can remember and laugh makes it OK.
  We did head out on Friday at 5:30 AM and got back to Tuba around 2:30 PM  The roads weren't bad until we got to Jacob's Lake and then we had to drive more slowly, but all went well.
  Elder Olson went with a member to cut wood for the member's mother-in-law the next week.  They drove about 40 miles away and then off road in the snow.  If I can find the picture I will post it.  I say this for all the comments we get about being in sunny Arizona and basking in the sun.  It went down to 8 degrees the last couple of nights.  Many people are dealing with frozen pipes, which is certainly not fun.
  Sister Goldtooth continues to make me stand in awe of the amazing testimony and the great faith she has of the Savior and the Atonement.  A week ago she ended up coming to Relief Society long after opening exercises.  She is the president and right now both counselors are unable to be here, and she still doesn't have a secretary.  She also showed up in pants, which was a surprise.  Well, we are not suppose to judge and so often we do without knowing the whole story.
 Sister Goldtooth had had a young man come late at night, knock on the door, and simply say, "You need to come with me."  After a few questions and prayer, she ended up going.  She also ended up spending the night in Flagstaff with his mother who did not want to be alone.  She just told her something to the effect that she had watched Sister G and knew she could trust her because of what she had observed in her. 
  It is a tragic story in many ways, but also an amazing story that confirms that people do watch us and what we do.  I do not know how that part of the story will turn out, but I know that Sister G takes her calling very seriously and felt it was more important to come as she was, because she was the president and no one knew where she was or why she hadn't shown up.  She had left Flagstaff at 9 am that Sunday morning after spending the night with someone she didn't hardly know, but  who knew her to be a good woman and someone who could be trusted when she needed someone the most, who would stay by her and not judge her.
  The other part of the story is that when Sister G did not show up, the other Sister Missionary asked Sister Goldtooth's counselors daughters who were there if their mother had told them what to do, and if their mom could not be there then they were taking over by default I guess you might say. Both girls got up.  One played the piano while the other conducted the singing.  Then quickly one of them used her Ipod, found a conference talk, and gave a beautiful lesson.  
  Sister Goldtooth came in some time later and quietly sat in the back. After the girls finished the lesson, she shared her story.  For obvious reasons I have not shared the details of her story, which is one that you hear in stunned silence, and which fortifies your testimony of having the gospel in your life and seeing the wisdom and strength of members here  who help those who do not have the gospel, but who recognize the Savior's attributes in the example that the member lives and knowing what they see in the member, they will come forward and ask for help.
  I am not sure I have written what I wanted to say, exactly how I should have, but I hope you will continue to keep the people here in your prayers.  Members here have a number of challenges that other members do not.  Those who have found the gospel and gained strong testimonies are amazing examples of what the gospel does to change lives and provide strength in difficult circumstances.
  The weather continues to remain well below average temperatures for this time of year, and it is suppose to continue to stay cold throughout this week.
  Something that warmed our hearts yesterday was a picture sent to our phones, showing Carter Michael Kjar Olson as the newest deacon in the Church.  We are very proud grandparents of Carter and hope we can attend his ward so he can pass us the sacrament.
  We would enjoy hearing from you.  Letters, comments, or emails, warm our hearts. ;o}
Elder & Sister Olson