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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

No Broken Bones 11 Oct 2014

Subject: No Broken Bones ;O]

Today I went walking and managed to take a grand spill on the sidewalk.  Not knowing where dad was I called Sister Simpson, since I had my cell phone.  I told her not to panic, that I was fairly sure nothing was broken, but my elbow hurt pretty bad and I did not want to try and get up without help.
  She was just getting out of the shower and even though I assured her that I thought I was OK she and Elder Simpson must have gotten there in about 3 mins.  We laughed and talked a while before I felt like getting up.
  I hit my leg just above my right ankle, both knees, then my elbow, before I completely landed on my back, so somehow I rolled as I fell.  I am glad I did not hit face first. ;o}
  I have managed to stay down the rest of the day.  Sister  Deaton's , mom retired just a month ago.  She is a nurse and she came over to check me out.  She did everything they would have done at the emergency room minus the big bill.  She is confident that I did not break any bones,  but the bruising is a big reminder that I am not invincible.
  I know that I was blessed because of your daily prayers.
  Oh yes, I did call dad and while I was still on the ground he called and drove home immediately and lathered me up with essential oils.  Then I got a blessing.  I have learned from previous blessings that the priesthood holder who pronounces the blessing is only a mouth piece for the Lord.  There is no way that they can know  what questions have been plaguing you and to which specific answers are given as the blessing is given.
  I have learned much through the years about the "Why me?" questions and have realized that the better question is "Why not me?"  I was and have been greatly blessed this day.  The  soreness will go away. the bruising will go away, but the memory of the blessing will bear special witness of God's love for me as His daughter and that He watches over me daily..


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