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Monday, June 10, 2013

Selina Slim and son, Tachoney West of White Mesa

  • "Here is our little garden. Me  n  ma son. We luv it very ! Thanks 4  helping us  its means a lot 2  us :-)"
    This is the text and the picture Elder Olson got this morning.  How would you like to try and garden where they are?  Look how happy they are and how the garden is growing.  Her husband took the picture and they sent it to Elder Olson with that little note.

    Selina Slim and son, Tachoney  West of White Mesa.  Elder Olson had one of those orchestrated days when he went to see Peter and Lulu Chee and Selina happened to be there when he stopped by to see how things were going.

    She expressed interest in what the church could help provide for her and her family, and set up an appt for a few days later.  They had a garden in place with a fence up, They tilled in some fertilizer, and put in the irrigation.  Since she is closer to Kaibeto, Elder Olson referred her to the Rigbys in Kaibeto. 

    Alma 13:24

    • 24 For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.

    Her husband had been out of work for a while, but is now working part time in Page.  Elder Olson explained that they had been doing what they could to establish a garden, but it was an uphill battle.  Then the Lord orchestras his day and he has resources that they need and he is able to share those with them.  We can have our agendas in place, but aren't we grateful when the Lord does it His way and we get to be a part of a greater plan for the day.

    Alma 37:6

    • 6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
      Yes, I know we are on "vacation", but aren't we glad that Heavenly Father never goes on vacation.
      Elder and Sister Homesick ;o}
      AKA The Olsons

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cutting firewood June 2013

A semi load of wood holds from 13-15  cords of wood.  I bet you are all jealous that you can't be here helping, but John, Jamie and the kids got to be a big part of getting it cut or at least a third of the load.  I wondered why the pile looked smaller than it did the last time.
Brother Erickson has a new way of delivering wood.  He has this amazing little tractor that has a "knacker" device that just scoops them up and allows him to drop them where he wants.
  I know I have pictures, but not sure where they are at the moment.
  Elder Olson wants to take the big blocks back to the rez because most of them have never seen a piece of wood that big.  He would like to give several people "chopping blocks" from Wyoming.
  We spoke today in Sacrament.  Elder Olson had a difficult time controlling the tears when he spoke about his love for the Navajo people. 
 I spent a lot to time preparing and was able to share  a little of what it is like to be a part of such a wonderful experience serving on the rez among the Navajo People.  We love being home, but miss our other home. ;o}and our other family.
  It has been great to see so many of our friends, even if they are "pale" in comparison to our friends on the rez.
  Hope all is well with you and your family.
Elder and Sister Olson

June 2013 Trip to Maryland

Hard to believe that the last week went so quickly.  The first picture was taken at the annual Gore Company Party.  So much fun with Daryl, Liz, Carter and Madeline.  Miss them so much.  Kellan and I had a great time.
 Liz has a great story about the dessert we ordered when we went out the first night.  It will be a family favorite I am sure. ;o}  The story that is!
  Daryl and Kellan had a brother's day out in Washington DC.  They were able to see Alma Stump's name on the wall and walk the long walk.
   Madeline organized a little piano recital and played her "own songs"  We may have a famous song writer in the making.  We even had reserved seats on the front row.
  On our last day we were privileged to attend Carter's Graduation from 5th grade.  That was very special.  He has grown up so much and is such a fine young man.
I guess I am very prejudice, but I think they are a beautiful family and I can't believe how much I miss them and the fireflies and the great food and the time we had to spend together.  Already looking forward to the next trip, but now I know what "Adult Friendly" means. lol
Sister Olson