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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Amazing Day In the Family History Center

 Today we had two patrons come into the center.  It had been well over a year for one and about 2 months for the other.  
  We had been invited to go to Chinle for a Senior Christmas Party, but I just felt like there was a reason we needed to be in Tuba City.
  Bro. Haswood started his family tree.  He entered his parents names, and his mother's parent's names.  He also entered some of his siblings including a brother who has passed away.  All the names qualified for ordinance work.
  It took a while to get started because he thought he had an account, but we discovered he did not.  He said his home teacher had told him to write the names down and to GET STARTED.  
 I cannot convey the power of the spirit we felt as we found the social death records for all those people.  Brother Haswood was a bit a overwhelmed also.
  I told him he can now visit with the Bishop and get things in order, so that he can do the Temple work.  Words truly cannot express what we all were feeling today.
  Sister Singer from Kayenta, also came in and added her Grandmother and three of her children to the family tree.  She plans to go to the Temple next week and do the work.
  I had come over early to work with Sister Horseherder, who is also working on her family tree.  What an amazing day it has been to feel so close to those on the other side who want their work done.
  Both patrons plan to come in again next week.  I am not sure who Bro Haswood's home teacher is, but he obviously was inspired to tell him to write the names down and get into the family history center.  How grateful I am that he heeded the counsel he was given.